The Gentile System of the Siletz Tribes (Series 1, Box 3, Folder 8)


Notes relating to Dorsey's "The Gentile system of the Siletz Tribes," Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 3, No. 10, 1890, pp. 227-237. Ca. 1884. A. and T.D.S. Approx. 50pp. Includes: parts of text of published article; lists of villages and gents in vicinity of Siletz Agency (some appear to tally with published lists and some do not); misc. notes; sketch maps and diagrams as follows: "Diagram of the principal streams in the priscan habitats of the Siletz Tribes" (published); sketch of Takelma localities (?) (1 p. on cardboard); "Map, showing Athapascan villages in Oregon and California, according to a Naltunnetunne, Alex Ross, Siletz Agency, Oregon, Oct., 1884 (localities numbered in black ink and these numbers canceled and corrected in red; keyed to which numbered list?); "Map drawn according to directions of E'-ne-a'-ti, a Tututunne, by J. Owen Dorsey, Siletz Agency; Oregon, Sept. 1884" (localities numbered; 4-p. key apparently goes with this); sketch of Rogue River and tributaries, marked with a few ethnic localities; sketch of Curry, Josephine, and Jackson Cos., showing streams; sketch of southern Ore. and northern Calif. (Localities numbered; numbers all canceled; keyed to which list?).