Takelma Vocabulary and Grammatical Notes (Series 1, Box 4, Folder 7)


Takelma vocabulary and grammatical notes, spoken by the Takilman-speaking Indians formerly living in the Illinois Valley and on Rogue River, Oregon. Siletz Reservation, Oregon. Sept. 3-Oct. 24, 1884. A.D.S. Approx. 64 pp. 24. pp. Original notes; approx. 41 pp. in ISIL 1880. Informants: Evan Bill (Munkiyeau), High, Rogue River John, and John Punzie.
One typed document containing a brief overview of the contents that follows. Several handwritten documents containing notes on the Takelma language. Some notes are difficult to make out due to handwriting.
Document contains a total of 67 pages.