Basket, Cup


Plain twining, S-twist, rightward work direction, outside work face. Start is two or three sticks crossing two or three sticks wrapped. Warps added to another stick as brushes, ends protrude inside. Weft splice: new and old weft ends visible below and above a single stitch on the interior. One face overlay with some design materials carried under in the back, as opposed to cutting off. Three-strand twining: five rows at the starting knot, and two rows at the turn-up. Just above the turn-up are two rows of three-strand parallel twining separated by a band of red-dyed root. Rim is clipped off close to the last row of twining. A small piece of buckskin with a knot four rows down from rim is holding down the last stitch, but final row is missing (broken) just before that. May have been a handle. Warps are a mix of whole and split hazel sticks, and possibly hazel roots. Wefts are split conifer root, possibly pine. Dark mud-dyed stained conifer root and red ochre stained conifer root at the start and on at least three bands on the side. Overlay in white bear grass. Older form and style for this region.

Location Description: 

Western Oregon; Northwest Coast